Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Arrived Safely!!

What a great trip! We arrived without a glitch...and in record time. Everyone seemed to have a great time on the ferry ride (it was very windy and that made for some fun times on the deck). our hosts homes are perfect. The women are staying at the Boy's (yes, that is the families name) anf the men are at the Laws (staying in a little cabin in the's a little boys dream...and some big boys are having the time of their lives as well).

One problem we are going to have is telephone service. The cell coverage is sketchy at best; so, we will do most of our communicating via this blog. Check it often and make comments o we can respond to your questions.

Pray for our health...there are some who are sick (Emerson and now Sami). The team has been told to not share any food items or drinks and we are hoping we can keep it from spreading. Please pray!

That's it for now! Blessings!

In His grip,


  1. That's good to hear! Emerson is probably sick from eating too many gravy fries on the ferry! Can you please e-mail me the address at which the girls are staying so that I can mail the letters? Thanks.


    ( )

  2. We're glad to hear you arrived safely, but sad to hear of Emerson's and Sami's illnesses. We will continue to pray for you all.
    Thanks for keeping us updated. I can sleep better knowing all is well.
    Give Amy a hug for us,
    Scot and Jan

  3. HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY, SAMI!!!!! I hope you are feeling better. We love and miss you and Sara.

    Love, Mom, Dad, Juli and Charlie

  4. hey,
    i hope you all are having GREAT funn. i hope Emerson and Sami get better, because being sick on a mission trip sucks. Lol.

    someone tell Sara that i miss her and cant wait for her to get home. oh, and tell jesse and liz that i miss them too... Lol.

    i miss u all,

    Tyson =)

  5. How was your first day of VBS? I was praying for you and for LOTS of little tofino'ites to attend! Much and love and hugs to Molly, Abby & Elaine....and everyone else of course :)
    XXOOXXX Mom & Dad and the other super 7 sibs!
