Wednesday, July 8, 2009

From the ranch of Lauren Fulton

Hey! Today has been go non stop. Woke up this morning and boarding the Ahousaht Pride, a water taxi to take us on the 30-45 min trip to Flores Island where the Ahousaht tribe lives. Tim describes it as a wet Mexico. Having never been to Mexico I can’t contribute to that but it is wet and dirty. Stray dogs are everywhere and some members of the group have a hard time ignoring the dogs like we were told to do. The cutest one was a little boy dog a girl showed us named Lucy (the dog, not the girl). The kids are so energetic, and love to have piggy back rides. Our VBS is in a gym where construction is going on in. So our singers have to compete with the banging of nails. But its ok, the workers are very open and kind. There’s another group here from Ontario doing a VBS in the evening. We got to meet them today and they’re really nice. I’ve really enjoyed bonding with the youth group here in Tofino. We are doing a Bible study with them tomorrow night, I’m excited. They have made me realize that though we are pretty close on the map, Tofino and Federal Way have different cultures. But hey, it’s good to meet other brothers and sisters in Christ and be mutually encouraged. It’s pretty tight in the house. 22 girls in the house and 2 bathrooms, the odds are not in our favor. However we have overcome and made a shower rotation so we have figured it out. I’m in the loft with Alycia, Amanda, Tiffany and in the other room Katie, Elaine and Rachel. Being in close quarters has tested me but it’s good. I’m depending more and more on the Lord’s strength. I’m excited to see what the Lord is going to do through us tomorrow and for the rest of the trip. I’m excited to prove wrong the guy on the water taxi with us today that commented to one of the leaders, “Working with teens must be like herding cats!” Like in Mississippi, I want to prove them wrong. And I’m excited to see what more God has in store for us! Love you mom, dad, Ben and the various pets! Keep praying for me and the team! –Lauren


  1. We are praying for you and the team CONSTANTLY!
    Stay well and finish Strong. Please say hi to Amy and give her a hug for us. We miss you all and can't wait to see you Saturday!

  2. tell Tiffany her parents, friends etc. say HI!

  3. Hey Alycia.
    I can't wait till you get back. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well. Someone give Alycia a hug for me.
