Friday, July 3, 2009

From the cabin of Josh Vincent...

So we made it Tofino safely!!!!HEYO! So far there have been so many good times spent. Bunker and I have found some real good time to bond and through out the last 5 days through the team building retreat and the last 2 days here in Tofino we have had great times. Even with the fun there is also much learning being done. On Monday at the packing party me and abby really saw god work. So let me layout the story for you...Dutch and I were looking at the half filled trailer and looking at the humongous load of baggage and all the sound equipment and began saying to ourselves this will not fit. So me and abby finally decided to sit down quiet are hearts and desires and prayed that gods will be done. It was about 9 o’clock and were putting the final bag away in the trailer which fit together perfect. And it was really rad to see the work god does when you give your desires to god and let his will be done… love you Mom, Aaron, and Alisa.

Love Joshua Vincent


  1. We love you too Josh, and know that each day is going to reveal more and more of what a great God we serve. I am so glad you are seeing him in the little things like packing a trailer. He will guide you every step of the way and promises to see you through as long as you trust and obey him. God loves you so much and I am very proud of you. Take care of dad and make sure he doesn't do any heavy lifting. Love, Mom

  2. That's awesome. I remember you and Bunker bonding in Mississippi..."building the bench", for a few days. I was glad to join you on that last day. Make lots of videos. =]

  3. Josh, I am so glad to hear you are taking the time quiet your heart and allowing God to take control of difficult situations. I hope the trip is going well! I can't believe you guys will be coming home in a couple days! It feels like you just left!! I look forward to hearing how God has worked in your life and how you have seen Him working in the group. Have a great rest of the week and I'll see ya Saturday!

    -Brother (aka, Ryan)
