Saturday, July 4, 2009

a fairy tale blog...

Expedition for Christ

Andrea Nicole Lee
Sara Emily Paul
Katelyn Michelle Norton
Chelsea Lynne Ballinger

Once upon a time there were 19 beautiful young princesses and 4 princesses that we will call a little more ‘seasoned’. Protected by the 7 valiant knights in shining armor, the princesses never had to lift a pinky. Surrounded by the majestic forest and the happy Tofinoites, they lived in a little cramped, yet still enchanted cottage. Living out their hearts desire, the warriors bathed in their manhood in a magic tree house.
Several days passed from their arrival and as the calendar flipped to July 3, 2009, here is how this fairytale unfolds. Although beauty sleep was put on the backburner for the Holy Spirit, we trekked on through with the strength of Christ to live out the greater purpose. Coming to the end of themselves, it was the ultimate realization that it was Jesus doing his work through these weary but content princesses. Being the valiant knights that these men are, they stepped forward to be God’s hands. As stone by stone was laid, they crafted a wall of protection for the Boy’s family.
When the clock struck one, many beautiful and strong children entered the great hall we all know and love as Crocodile Dock. Welcome to the bayou. Gifted by our Creator, each princess and knight reflected God’s character for the love of His little children. The ten plagues were an eye opener to His children that ‘God is powerful’. God used the two most ‘seasoned’ princesses to serve the royal stomachs of their magnificent family. Never seizing to fail us, they provided a cornucopia of satisfying victuals. Fulfilled with nutrition and in our Lord, they venture out in their two glorious white carriages. On a quest to be mutually encouraged, beneath the shimmering stars they travel to an unfamiliar palace with the fellow Tofinoites. Stay tuned in for part two of the Expedition for Christ, but don’t worry. They are confident in the hope that they lived happily ever after due to the grace of our God.


  1. Hahaha, this is the best account thus far of your adventures. "The most seasoned princesses".
