Saturday, July 4, 2009

hey all its jordyn ... so far this trip has been AMAZING!!! the scenery and the people of canada are so nice...the first beach that we went to was so nice but the beach we went to today for VBS was weird ... it was kinda like a washington beach :P so yeah pretty much our group (especially the ladies) have grown so much closer to each other and built new relationships with each other .... God is definately at work here and its an amazing feeling ... altho i think it was either wed or thurs when this happened but there was a definate attack on our group by satan but us girls got togetther and prayed for God's hand of protection and guideance and he definately helped with that butt i hope that all of you can continue praying for all here bcuz we have a HUGE!!!! target labelled on our back and we are constantly in a spiritual battle...just keep praying for ppl's health and overall peace and just for a stronger relationship with God ... i hope all is doing well with everyone back at home =) i miss you all and love you all!!! one more week!! oh also pray for continual effectiveness of our group on the ppl of Tofino =) alrighty got to go but <3 yall !!! JORDYN IS THE BOMB... ;)

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