Monday, July 6, 2009

From Abby Evans :]

Hey there down in Washington state....
The trip so far has been pretty moving and realyl amazing. The kids are sooo awesome here. we had about three kids who acdepted Christ in our first VBS! Doing the story time for VBS here has been inspirational. i wanna give alotta love to my family. i really miss you all but i love it up here.. i might move to Canada one day :P anyways... David, i really hope that you had a fabulous experience in the Rowing Club, you will have to tell me all about it when i get back. i have been praying for your trip... oh, btw Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!! all the rest of you kids, i thought of you all as you went to eastern washington ofr the fourth, i hope it was a blast. Mom and Dad, i love you lots and im experiencing a lot here. it has been a very maturing trip and has made me even more excited for the future to come.
So as you may have heard, Canada Day was a blast. the skate comp. was really cool to watch, i took some pictures so that you can see it sometime. hmmm, what else to say... well being in this culture has made me like this place more and more. it is a very artsy culture. i love the beaches too. it has been quite the adventure being in a small house with very very many girls. emotions run high but it also forces us to grow closer together at the same time.
well we are sitting in a coffee shoppe called tuff beans. its really expensive but nice. we did laundry today and roamed down 'town' Tofino. now its about time to go... its a very peaceful place and im glad to have God work in my life.
see y'all soon
<3 Abby

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abby! So glad to hear you are experiencing God's hand in your awesome! We miss you girls a lot and are looking forward to seeing you Saturday Night.
    6934 days ago your dad and I were rushing to the hospital (well, I was rushing, your father was looking for a 7/11 to stop at for a slirpy) to give birth to our very first baby. (again, I gave birth and he ate Tim's Cascade chips) In case I don't get to say it tomorrow - HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY MOLLY!
    Elaine and Abby I am counting on you to give Molly big hugs and kisses from us as well as keep her feet on solid know what I'm talking about! No skydiving for Molly in Canada :)I'm not kidding!

    Love you guys, we're praying for you and super interested to hear how ministry in Ahousit is going.
