Monday, July 6, 2009

From Sara Paul...

On July 4th, it was our last day of day camp. We had 9 children attend on the beach. After Abby finished telling the story of the Passover and Resurrection, we broke into small groups and prayed. Janeen, a girl from the reservation asked to pray with me. We talked and asked questions. I asked her how she could thank Jesus for paying the ultimate price. Janeen replied with, “By telling Him I’m a sinner. I asked her if she has done this and she said yes, so I asked when. Janeen said, “Right now, Tractor, will you pray with me?” We prayed together and I added another sister to the family of God. I t was very exciting to see her run to the leaders and tell them about her new faith and saying she’ll see all of them in heaven!
God is teaching me to be still. I fill my life with so much noises and distractions to avoid what really needs to be done. God is also teaching me that he needs to be in control of everything. The song, “Surrender”, has really stood out to me. It’s hard to give God all my dreams, but if I don’t, it’s wasted time.
I am missing home a lot, I miss my bed, my family, my friends, and alone time. I miss you all. Ryan and Tyson don’t mess up on my bedroom. J hnnnmm.


P.S. It was very exciting because we had pancakes for breakfast today and I found out other people eat pancakes with peanut butter and syrup. Jesse is my new BFF! (twitch)


  1. Sara...what an experience! We miss you too, but know that God has so much for you in this experience. Continue to be still and you wll see even more from Him.


    P.S. They haven't started your room yet. Do yo still want them to, or do you want to work on it wil them?

  2. it is really up to if they want to do it or not. But i would like to have it done before i get home =) but whatever works.
    love you too!
    <3 Sara

  3. Sara, thanks for sharing your story. That is so special. I am really encouraged by how specifically you are hearing from God.
    Can you pass this on for me...
    Put your right hand on your left shoulder.
    Put your left hand on your right shoulder.
    Love and hugs from all of us.

  4. sara, your a savage for sure!!! hahaha

    p.s dont be mad but me and ryan messed up your room super bad.... no joke. i feel bad.

    SIKE!!!! i never mess up. im a savage remember. Lol.

    i cant wait to see u,
    Tyson =)

  5. Sara, it's great to hear that you are having such a big influence on the children in Tofino. Thats great!! Also, it is AMAZING to hear that you are learning to be still and listen to God. I can't wait to hear more about it when you get home!! I miss you, sister!!


    PS: Your room looks amazing. Your welcome.
