Saturday, July 4, 2009

Blog for 7.4.09

Hey All you blogets...err, blog readers. today was a more relaxing VBS day at the beach. We had 9 kids from around the area and they were definately doted with 30 leaders around them. The VBS was a bit tricky since we had no sound and video projection, however we did okay with a boombox and poster boards for words. As usual, the Bayou Crew did fantastic with the songs and skits, keeping everyone entertained. The beach overall gave it a different perspective which was more relaxing and laid back.
Okay...done for now. Dinner for tonight Spaghetti! "I Love Spaghetti!" (Thanks Alisa!) Thanks for your prayers!


P.S. hmmmnn (Sara P.)


  1. Happy 4th of July!!!
    Just want all of you to know we're so proud of you and that we're thinking and praying for you.
    Someone please give Alycia a big hug for us!
    Ted and Sharon

  2. P.S.. hmmmnn back to Sara Paul (Tyson D.)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
