Sunday, July 5, 2009

Blof for Sunday 7.5.09

Hey All in the states! Hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend. We roll into Sunday sleeping in...well at least for the ones that didnt have to set up sound at church this morning! Anyhow, we had service and worship with the Tofino Bible Fellowship, which meets in one of the meeting halls at the Weigh West Resort right in town in Tofino. Our group setup and ran the worship service this morning, with PT giving the sermon. Despite having technical difficultiesm the worship and sermon went very well. Since our group is so big, we about doubled the size of their worship service. We did however, get to meet and greet after the service for half an hour or so and talk to the people that share the love of Christ. Soon after, we had a late lunch at the Boy's house and now as I write this blog, some are resting at their respective houses and a large part of the group is playing football...(American football, yes) with some of the local youth group people from TBF at the Wikkaninish school.
One thing that has stood out to me and I knew we were going to run into, was the difference in cultures. Yes, I know, we are north americans, but Americans and Canadians both have their strong cultural influences that are deeply rooted in the past. One note from the kids is that they notice the girls in the youth group are rough and tumble. They are however, not from here...they are from Kamloops, which is about 5-6 hours away, on the inner mainland. Our meeting at one of the hang out nights at a church families house brought some tension between the two groups. However, both of us shared the same apprehensions and thoughts...cultural difference curiosities I will call it. As Tim found out talking about the two teen groups, hugging and snuggling is not so much used...the personal space/bubble is a little bigger for Canadian teens and adults a like, in that they have a more British influence and seem more standoffish to us Americans. But once that was made clearer, I can see all of us getting along better with a better knowledge of where each comes from cuturally. I am glad this simple cultural difference curiosity has been put aside! And it is wonderful that we all share the same love of Jesus.
Oh yeah, news break! There is an article written about us in the local newspaper, the West Coaster. Here is the link...

A reporter came out and gave a few short interviews and observed our time on Canada Day. Check it out!
Cool...a relaxing day to dinner and Monday will be another restful day, with some running around and ministry in the neighborhood. Thanks and keep the responses coming, I am passing along the well wishes and prayers.



  1. We were out of town for a couple of days and it was nice to come home to see so many posts! Thank you guys for sharing your stories with us.

    How are Sami and Emerson? Is everyone pretty healthy at this point?

    Please let everyone know that many of us are praying with you daily and happy to hear about any requests and reports, big or small, so that we can connect in prayer.
    We are trusting that each person will represent the hands and feet and voice of our Lord, and we are so proud of you.
    Thanks for including us in this ministry thru the blog and prayer. Much love to you guys!!!


  2. Sami is doing much better and is her chipper self. Emerson is doing better, but has a persitant cough and now a sprained finger from running into me...ask us aout that later! Everyone else is healthy and we have a day or two to has actually been a exhausting trip, on the go since our retreat and for the kids, on the go since day camp!
    I will let everyone know that you are praying for us! Thank you! And please pray that Jesus will be shown when we minister to the kids and people of Ahousat in a couple of days here...and that VBS is successful in that and for energy and health. Thanks again!


  3. I am sooo glad my girl is doing better. Please have someone give her birthday hugs for me and give Sara a hug as well. W are so proud of this teams' willingness to go adn so God's love.We pray that you continue to feel His guidance and strength and that He rejuvenates you all.

    -John and Jenn

  4. Thanks to Melissa we already read the news article in the paper.That was awesome! Sounds like you are all going well, and we are so proud of all of you and the work that you are doing for Christ's Kingdom. We love you all and continue to pray for you.
    Scot and Jan

  5. Technology is so awesome! I love reading the blogs and being able to pray specifically. Reading about the cultural differences you came up against is fascinating. I wonder if it is harder to 'diagnose' those cultural tensions when both groups look alike and speak the same language. Interesting to think about.

    Elaine, Molly & Abby we send our hugs and love to you! 4th of July was not the same without you, however, how cool to know you're serving! Wouldn't want you anywhere else but in the center of His will...even if that means we're physically apart. Many many hugs to you girls! p.s. Abby & Elaine, if you see Molly toting a parachute this Thursday wrestle her to the ground and take it away :) We love you!
