Wednesday, July 8, 2009

From the log cabin of Abby Evans

From Abby again…
So pretty much this was our fist day in Ahousaht and it was pretty much amazing! The kids were beautiful and very accepting. The tribe was definitely not what I expected and what other people were telling me it would be like. Of course it’s a bit deprived but absolutely gorgeous. Being on the reservations was truly a different and excited life experience. The people there are very nice and compassionate. I was definitely taken by surprise! VBS/Day Camp went wayyyy better than I thought it would be. Many of us were very tired from the previous week yet I believe we gave it a hundred and ten percent… all energy and enthusiasm from God. So the Bible Bayou today was very interesting! The story was about Moses and the burning bush. SOOO for the story we are supposed to have a CD track play the voice of God and half way through it just stopped for no reason so improvisation because vital!! YIKES, it turned out great. Despite all the construction and distractions around, the kids were really attentive and excited for the story and all the other activities. I was encouraged to see God work through all the kinks. I miss you all very very much and hope to tell you more stories later on.Peace y’all ~Abby~

1 comment:

  1. We're praying for you to finish strong and to have a safe trip back home!

    For His glory,

