Friday, July 10, 2009

From Liz Mayward


Sunshine! 7am and I see sunshine! Thank you Jesus! Hopefully it will stick around. I’m not really sure where to begin because God has been blessing me all over lately.
All of the moms, dads, friends, and family at home; I can tell you our teenagers make me so proud. Since we have been doing the Ahousaht VBS, I have watched our youth group turn into mini-Jesuses.

Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

I have never seen such a loving group. They have been cried on, peed on, snotted on, and have given countless piggyback rides. You can see a sparkle in each child’s eye like they were just given a free trip to Disneyland with their favorite Disney character. But in actuality, they were just given a day with Jesus and our teens!
On a different note, Bev and Tommy Ann have been sustaining us with endless amounts of food. I really don’t know what we would do without them! In fact, I smell pancakes right now! J
The young men make me proud. Emerson, Bunker, and Josh are amazing. They love our girls in all the right ways. They play with the young children with such a soft heart. You can tell the kids don’t really get too much soft and strong love from a young man. I see the boys growing more and more men that will lovingly lead others and their families as a Godly example one day! They make me so proud!
And my ladies…Oh my beautiful ladies. God has allowed me to live a hard life with lots of mistakes, hurt, and brokenness. And by His grace, He is healing me. I now can say, I see His purpose for me, at least for now. Our young women struggle with a lot of questions, longings, and hurt. But with tears starting to well up in my eyes, I can say they are fearless and strong. They push harder than I have and they are determined to fully become and/or embrace the lovely, beautiful, and priceless women they truly are. They make my heart happy and I’m sure Jesus is smiling down on them.
I’ve never seen such a group become this close and be this determined to be like Christ.
It is such a blessing to see all this. Thank you all so much for sending me!
Hi Mom! I love you!
- Liz

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