Friday, July 10, 2009

From the beach house of Jordyn Wintersole


Wow…today has been a crazy day!!! Today we had our first day of VBS at Ahousaht and it was awesome!!! There were almost 40 kids there!!! (Compared to the inconsistent 17 we had in Tofino) but the kids were so adorable!!! There is no way I am capable of expressing how cute the kids were. They were so energetic and brought us the much needed energy. I know that all of us were really tired and we definitely showed that this morning, but we prayed that God would help us have the energy to push forward and give 100% today bcuz the kids of ahousaht needed us to be at our fullest potential. “They definitely don’t deserve our leftovers.” – Tim)… today was an over all good day…the devotion that we did today was about a martyr that we were first introduced to yesterday…it talked about suffering and how we need to endure it with joy bcuz to suffer for Christ is what we should live for…in the devotions there was also a section with the Creed of a Believer (or something like that) and it was written by an young African martyr … the basis of the creed was that we should be thankful for suffering for Christ…it made me really think about my life and the things that I am suffering in the name of Christ? hmmm…its interesting to think about how LITTLE I am suffering compared to the martyrs of the world … tiredness vs. being burned at the stake, soreness vs. torture, rain vs. whipped, not getting the extra dessert after dinner vs. being sawed in half … wow how little sufferings have I gone through compared to other Christians … I couldn’t believe how much of a complainer I am and to think I’m not even suffering…another thing that happened today was that Dutch Holt came up with a new name for me, ‘Agent of Destruction” … its not a good name to live out…so the story behind that one is after VBS we came back to the house to help Jerry do some landscaping around his house and it required shoveling rocks and putting them into wheel barrows and taking them to a certain location around the house… so I decided to shovel the rocks into the wheel barrows, but I got a square shovel and I was SO slow so Dutch took my spot and filled the wheel barrow…so I decided to try to take the wheel barrow to the destination which was about 20 ft away…I got about 3 feet and I tipped the wheel barrow over and it spilled out… =/ embarrassing!!! wow then I went back to shoveling…Jesse came up to me later and said hey Jordyn try to wheel this barrow bcuz its not filled so heavy this time…so I said ok…he talked me thru all the steps and I was doing great…meanwhile, Alan was dumping his rocks in the pile but I accidentally parked my wheel barrow behind him and he accidentally backed up, sat down in my wheel barrow, and the wheel barrow tipped over…I was so HUMILIATED!!! Oh my goodness…I felt so helpless and that I was causing more trouble than making things better…wow to be completely honest, I cried. I’m not exactly sure why but I felt like I was making everything worse; all my good intentions were worth nothing … but anyhow that’s a little bit of what I’ve been thru this trip…I’ve learned so much about myself on this trip…I cant wait to see what God has in store for me the last few days here in Canada. please keep praying for me and the team =) love ya’ll back at home =)))))))) xoxo jo jo

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